Satisfying Spring Bites by Carina Sohaili


The time has come to get your glow on! Once you start eating better, you start feeling better. Try munching on these satisfying spring bites and eat your way to radiance:

  1. The Zesty Lemon Avocado Mash: One of my favorite stress reducing spring bites that I always suggest to clients is my zesty lemon avocado mash. The perfect 3pm pick me up. Mash up ½ of a medium avocado (the ideal snack size), add a dash of sea salt and freshly squeezed lemon. If you are on the run or at work simply do a little planning in advance. Just like any muscle, the more you practice planning the easier it gets. First and foremost, the myth that fat is bad drives me crazy. Avocados are packed with heart healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats have been proven to reduce stress as well as increase post-meal satisfaction levels. Moreover, avocados contain plant protein to keep you more full for a longer amount of time, give you lasting energy and curb unhealthy junk food cravings. Adding the lemon will help reduce stomach bloating (for more de-bloating tips check out my old piece here), strengthen immunity and help clear up blemishes due to the high vitamin C content (for more skin clearing snacks check out my recent TV appearance here.) Lemon also will prevent this splendid spring bite from turning brown if you are at work. If you are craving a crunchy munch instead of a mash try dipping in some freshly sliced red bell peppers which are huge immune system boosters and loaded with skin clearing vitamin C.
  2. My Sweet Cinnamon Apple Almond Butter Sandwich: Spread ½ tablespoon of almond butter over two thick apple slices (I love Pink Lady apples). Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the almond butter before spreading. It is very easy to go almond butter crazy; keep your portions in check to make this a smart snack. If you know that the jar will be gone in five minutes try another snack – everyone is different. Apples are one of my favorite healthy carbohydrates and are packed with fiber, keeping you full and satisfied for a longer amount of time. Not to mention the combination of different vitamins in apples is great for banishing blemishes. Pairing an apple with almond butter will keep your blood sugar levels stable, which will reduce your cravings for junk food. Cinnamon and nutmeg are two of my favorite slimming spices because they are both natural metabolism boosters and increase your post-meal satisfaction levels. Have a sweet tooth? You can check out my healthy dark chocolate version of the snack here or my feel good dark chocolate shake recipe here.
  3. The Get Gorgeous Baked Spice Grapefruit: Sprinkle half of a medium grapefruit with cinnamon, nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon of stevia (an all-natural sweetener that does not spike your blood sugar levels). Bake for five minutes at 375 F until the top is a golden brown. If you are on the run or at work, you can enjoy this divine delight without baking it. Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, two vitamins that have been proven to contribute to clear skin, a more even complexion, and a reduction in those pesky dark circles under your eyes. Moreover, grapefruit contains an enzyme that aids in burning fat. It is the perfect afternoon pick-me-up when you are losing focus and hanger (hunger-anger) starts to kick in.
  4. My Chunky Pineapple Cream Cup: Combine 1/2 cup of plain non-fat Greek Yogurt (I love Chobani), 1/2 cup of pineapple and 1 tablespoon of stevia. Pineapples contain specific enzymes that improve skin hydration, decrease fine lines and give you an overall smoother complexion. These enzymes also help fight off damaging free radicals that contribute to aging. The protein in the Greek yogurt will make this a smart snack because it will keep you more full for a longer amount of time (not to mention, give it a richer creamier taste). The healthy carbohydrates from the fruit will keep you energized until your next meal (for another healthy parfait option check out my recipe rehab pumpkin parfait video here).

Get creative. If the concept of putting together a smart snack is overwhelming find simple options that work for you in your life. Nourish yourself from the inside out and be selfish. Find time to make your health a priority. My recipes also were featured in Sweet Lemon Magazine here. Focus on progress – not perfection.

XO, Carina

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My Feel Good Sassy Shamrock Shake by Carina Sohaili


Drink yourself beautiful this Saint Patrick’s Day…

Life’s too short for deprivation. You should be able to have your cake and eat it to. In this case, have your SHAKE and drink it too. It is quite simple really. When you start eating better, you start feeling better. Drink yourself beautiful this Saint Patrick’s Day. I put together the perfect energizing breakfast blend or 3PM pick me up to prevent hanger (hunger-anger) and overeating later on. I have used my favorite ingredients in the shake specifically to keep you more full for a longer amount of time, give you lasting energy without the crash and curb unhealthy cravings. Not to mention, reduce stress, increase feel good hormones AND get your skin glowing (you can check out my most recent television appearance for more smart snacking options on my youtube channel). Yes, it all sounds too good to be true. Try it and then let me know how you feel.

Carina’s Dark Chocolate Mint Shamrock Shake:

  • 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cacoa powder (Trader Joe’s brand is great) or 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate chips
  • 1 cup of plain non-fat Greek yogurt (I love Chobani) OR a frozen banana (if you are dairy free)
  • 1/3 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • ¼ tablespoon of mint extract
  • 4 tablespoons of stevia
  • ¼ cup of sliced avocado
  • 1 cup of ice

Blend together and enjoy. Everyone is different. If you like a sweeter flavor then go for the frozen banana instead of the Greek yogurt. If the cacoa powder is too strong for you then try dark chocolate chips. (Make sure the cacoa powder is non-processed to get the best health benefits.) Get creative and find a healthy formula that tastes good and works for you. Quick tip: if you are on the run or at work (because that is life) simply do a little planning in advance. Blend together the night before and put your sassy shamrock shake in a container for the next morning. It will take ten minutes tops. Just like any muscle, the more you practice planning the easier it gets. A bit of nutrition while you drink because I just can not resist:

  1. Dark Chocolate triggers the release of “feel good” hormones in your brain. The same “feel good” hormones that get released after you do physical activity or when you are falling in love. For more health benefits of dark chocolate and easy dark recipes check out two of my old blogs here and here.
  2. Greek Yogurt has double the amount of protein than normal yogurt, healthy bacteria for digestion as well as immunity and calcium for bone health. Need a healthy comfort food recipe? Watch my Garlic Cauliflower Mash Recipe Rehab Video using Greek Yogurt here. For more simple swaps check out my old blog here.
  3. Avocados are packed with heart healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats have been proven to reduce stress as well as increase post-meal satisfaction levels. Moreover, avocados contain plant protein to keep you more full for a longer amount of time, give you lasting energy and curb unhealthy cravings. Avocados also contain Vitamin-E. Vitamin-E fights off damaging free radicals that contribute to aging. Vitamin-E also gives your skin an overall smoother tone, which will help reduce fine lines and those pesky crows feet around your eyes. Need some skin clearing snacks? Check out some of my favorites in my recent television appearance here.

If you are drinking beer this Saint Patrick’s Day check out my old blog here where you can find the best tasting light beers. HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY

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Stay tuned for my step into spring healthy living guide: quick and easy steps to start spring off right

Love always,


A Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day and KCAL 9 News Television Appearance by Carina Sohaili


The day of love is fast approaching. Here are some tools for your mind and body to celebrate in a heart healthy way. From divine dark treats (my warm dark chocolate cinnamon banana bites) to eating out made easy, and the heart healthy benefits of sassy salmon – I have you covered in my step-by-step guide.

Go Dark. Chocolate and the day of love go hand in hand. Deprivation is no fun and leads to the deadly combination of HANGER (hunger and anger). Not to mention, it is no way to live life. You also will most likely end up overeating then repeating the unhealthy cycle. Instead, go dark and indulge in dark chocolate.

Select Wisely. Many labels advertise “healthy dark chocolate” but really are loaded with processed sugars (defeating the purpose of going dark). Make sure the chocolate is made with a minimum of 70% pure cocoa and read the back of the label. Try to get as real as possible with little added ingredients. Ghirardelli “intense dark” squares are a good name brand choice. (I always carry a square in my purse whenever I need a 3PM pick me up or post dinner treat.) Just because dark chocolate has incredible health benefits does not mean you can go to town! Around 1-2 squares (1/2-1 ounce) is a good size. Moderation is key. Below are some of the beautiful benefits of going dark and my simple warm cinnamon chocolate banana bites.

Feel good. Dark Chocolate triggers the release of “feel good” hormones in your brain. The same “feel good” hormones that get released after you do physical activity or when you are falling in love.

Control Cravings. This delicious delight does not spike your blood sugar levels. What does that mean? You will have more stable energy levels throughout the day, and not have that sudden crash you normally get with other candy. Most candies contain tons of sugars and hidden preservatives that make it very hard to tell when you are actually full. So you just keep munching and suddenly the bag is empty!

Fight the flu. Dark chocolate contains zinc (which most people lack in their diet). Zinc is a mineral superstar when it comes to boosting your immune system. (For more flu fighting foods check out my old blog here). You can also check out my featured piece in Beauty High Magazine on why I suggest dark chocolate for clear skin.

Focus. Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the heart and brain improving your thought processing abilities. Brain food.

Carina’s Simple Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Banana Bites: melt ½ ounce of dark chocolate in a saucepan for around 30 seconds to a liquid texture of your liking. Place half of a sliced banana in a cooking pan with organic cooking spray and heat on the stove for around 10-15 seconds until the top of the banana slices are a light golden brown. Drizzle the melted dark chocolate over the warm banana slices. Always spice up your life! Add cinnamon or nutmeg (for more slimming spices read my old blog here) and if you like things extra sweet add a dash of stevia (an all natural sweetener from the stevia plant).

Sass it up with salmon: salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat that the body does not produce on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of heart disease, irregular heartbeats and help lower blood pressure levels. These healthy fats also increase your ability to focus and improve your mood. For more focus foods check out my old blog here.

Be brave and branch out…by staying in. Instead of going out to a fancy dinner with your significant other or group of friends plan to cook a meal at home. Home cooked meals are much healthier than eating out and getting comfortable in the kitchen is a great bonding activity (check out my Recipe Rehab Healthy Cooking Videos). Cooking may seem draining or daunting at first but just like using a muscle that you have not used, it will get stronger and easier with time. If you are eating out and are a fan of sushi be sure to read my old piece The Sushi Situation for a guilt free guide. As well as my old blog titled Eating Out Made Easy. The best way to order salmon is steamed or poached at restaurants.

Mind. Valentine’s day is a day of love; show yourself and your loved ones how much you truly care by taking a step to make health a priority. Even if it is a small change, everything counts. If you are feeling alone on Valentine’s Day treat yourself to a delicious healthy home cooked meal, massage or activity that YOU enjoy. Indulge and invest in yourself. Once you start focusing on your own heath (mentally and physically) the right people will fill your life. Everything happens for a reason. Trust the process.

**Catch my most recent live CBS KCAL-9 News Television appearance where I share my favorite Red Carpet Ready Remedies for glowing skin, endless energy and stress reduction that I recommend to all my clients when prepping them for awards season. The video is up in the Recipe Rehab Video section of my site. (You can also find the footage on the CBS KCAL-9 site

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Super Bowl Sunday Solutions and Swaps by Carina Sohaili


Game Day is almost here! Below are my simple Super Bowl Sunday Solutions so you can actually enjoy game day while being healthy. Yes – it is possible!

Mental Preparation: Do not starve yourself until the Super Bowl party and plan on pigging out. When you are hungry your brain is looking for a quick fix to give you energy and you automatically will be attracted to the worst possible food choices. Have a smart snack or filling balanced meal before. My three ingredient Southwestern Salsa Scramble recipe was recently featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and is a great, quick option that combines protein and healthy fat. It also takes less then five minutes to make.

Cha-Cha Chip Time! Healthier options are whole-wheat pita chips, pop chips or air-popped popcorn (for more tips on the truth about carbs you can check out my piece here.) Baked chips are better than classic potato chips. Why? The hidden preservatives, and addictive ingredients in classic potato chips are what make you want to keep munching (because they spike your blood sugar levels) and make you crave more junk food. Two of my favorite healthy brands (without compromising taste) are Beanitos and Corazonas. You can find these at any local grocery store. They are much more nutritious and delicious than your classic potato chips and will keep your blood sugar levels stable which will keep you more full and satisfied for a longer amount of time.

Bottom line: when selecting baked chip brands look for chips with the least amount of processed ingredients. Below is my Simple Sweet Potato Chip recipe that takes ten minutes to make. If you like this recipe check out my Skin Clearing French Fry Video Tutorial  here.

Carina’s Simple Sweet Potato Chips: cut up a sweet potato into thin slices, add some spices of your choice (cinnamon is great for sweet and cayenne pepper is great for spicy. For different spice options check out my old piece here.) Use an all natural cooking spray, place on a baking tray and toss into the oven for ten-fifteen minutes or until the top is a golden brown. Do not be intimidated by cooking. It can be simple, easy and stress free. But only partake if you are in the mood. Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite healthy carbohydrates and skin superfoods. They are loaded with fiber to keep you more full for a longer amount of time, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium. Not to mention, beta-carotene, a cancer fighting antioxidant. Vitamin A is fantastic for the bags and dark circles under your eyes. Vitamin C will give your skin a young, fresh glow and is a great immune system booster. Chips that will clear skin, reduce cravings and taste divine in under fifteen minutes? YES PLEASE.

Divine Dips! Get saucy with salsa. Salsa and hummus are great, healthy options. Go for these instead of the artichoke dip, or crazy cheese dips. Sweet potato chips with salsa are one of my favorite combinations. Do not fall for the hidden salsa trap. Most store brand salsa is loaded with excessive sugars and preservatives. This actually will make you much hungrier and harder to control your eating (you are going to keep wanting more and more.) If you are not in the mood to dice up your own healthy salsa (onions, cilantro, lime and tomatoes) simply make sure there are no added ingredients in your salsa and you buy real, all natural and non-processed (all you have to do is make sure you can read the ingredients on the label.) Salsa contains capsaicin, the chemical responsible for spiciness. It stimulates digestion and in various studies has been shown to aid in the prevention of stomach ulcers. Capsaicin also helps activate the release of endorphins (the feel good hormone) in the body.

Holy moly guacamole! Avocados have incredible health benefits. These guys are loaded with heart healthy fats that help decrease stress and anxiety. They also are a good source of vegetarian protein, have more potassium than a banana and great for banishing blemishes due to the high vitamin content. Remember to keep it simple, there is no need for excessive ingredients (fresh lemon or lime, avocado and a dash of salt-pepper.) It is very easy to get guacamole happy as well. Make sure you eat this divine side in moderation. For another healthy avocado recipe try my Avocado Dark Chocolate Shake recipe here or my Zesty Lemon Mash recipe here.

My Secret Saucy Protein Dip: mix together avocado (1/8 cup), salsa (1/2 cup) and plain non-fat Greek yogurt (1/2 cup) with a dash of garlic in a bowl or blender for a funky healthy protein packed dip that will keep you full, satisfied and taste great. Experiment with different textures! If you like a chunky dip, simple blend or mix for a shorter amount of time. Adding the Greek yogurt will give you a rich creamy texture along with other benefits such as healthy bacteria for digestion, protein and calcium for bone health. If you are dairy free, simply alter the recipe to make it work for you. (Check out my Energizing Ranch Dip Video Tutorial here for another option.)

Beer? According to Men’s Health here are the best tasting light beers: Adams Light, Heineken Premium Light, Amstel Light, Kirin Ichiban Light and Bud Light.

I always remind clients to be mindful of their portions. Try not to eat directly from the buffet, kitchen fridge, bag or box. It is very easy to get lost in the game and mindlessly munch on what is directly in front of you (I am guilty of this too!) Take a plate and put a reasonable amount on your plate.

Remember what you are doing: watching the game and hanging with family or friends. Not just consuming ridiculous amounts of food. Live your life while being healthy.

More information about my Custom Programs can be found here

For more easy recipes swing by my library of Eat Yourself Gorgeous Video Tutorials

As always, focus on progress, not perfection and have compassion for yourself



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Healthy Holiday Habits by Carina Sohaili


The holidays are about memories, moments and fun. There is no time for feeling deprived or guilty about food choices (that also is not the answer to a happy life). Below are my simple tools (nine easy to apply steps) so you can enjoy the holiday season without the guilt.

Remember, no one is perfect. Set realistic goals to stay on track so you can truly enjoy this holiday season and not go on a crazy diet in the New Year.

For more Holiday Tools check out my article featured on on Healthy Holiday Sides (link is at the end of the piece) my Recipe Rehab Holiday Cooking Video Series and my Everyday Health featured piece.

  1. Never go to a party starving. Often times when we are stressed out, tired or cranky it is because we are eating sugary packed junk foods and unhealthy sweets with preservatives. These foods make us crave more unhealthy foods and mess with the hormones that regulate the stress response within the body. By nourishing your body with nutrient dense foods and always having a healthy snack, you will have increased energy, a calmer demeanor and be less likely to lose control at the holiday buffet. One of my favorite snacks is organic canned pumpkin with a dollop of plain all natural Greek yogurt. This is a great combination of a healthy carbohydrate (from the pumpkin) and protein from the Greek yogurt. I call it my special “bliss in a cup” energizing snack. It is quick, easy to make and leaves me feeling like I just ate a slice of pumpkin pie. Moreover, the fiber in the pumpkin is great for your digestive system especially during the Holidays. Check out my YouTube video on how to make it here:
  2. Eat real food before you reach for the sugary sweets. Fill up on protein before you head to the dessert table. Protein will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep you more full and satisfied for a longer amount of time. By eating protein you will reduce your craving for junk food, sweets and the bad stuff. One of my favorite protein appetizer options is shrimp, which you can find at most holiday parties (if not, be a great guest and bring a healthy appetizer). Just do not drench your shrimp in the cocktail sauce, which is usually made with excessive sugars. Instead squeeze on some freshly sliced lemon for flavor and zest (lemon helps with holiday bloating and is a great immune system booster as well). If you are vegetarian, hummus is normally a party platter favorite and a good source of protein.
  3. Indulge in a balanced way. If you are craving a serving of pie have a small portion but do not eat three servings. Do you notice how the first serving of an amazing food tastes the best? The food is not as good the second or third time around. This will prevent you from feeling deprived and then overeating later on.
  4. Munch on veggies. Often times when we are not hungry but see other people eating it is very easy to mindlessly put food in our bodies. When I am in the mood to munch I always go for veggies. I love carrots because of the vitamin-A. Vitamin- A is great for vision, dark circles under your eyes and an immune system booster.
  5. Volunteer to bring a healthy side to your next holiday party. Not only are you a great guest because you are contributing to the party (the host will love you!) but you can ensure that there is something delicious AND healthy for you to eat. Bringing a healthy side does not have to be complicated or overwhelming. My healthy cooking video on Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes is a great choice and only takes fifteen minutes to make:
  6. Be mindful of your environment. It is very easy to overeat when everyone around you is overeating as well.
  7. Always have a plan. If you know you are going to be around a group of people that over-indulge all the time, have a plan going into the situation. Make it clear what you are going to indulge in, what you are going to pass on and other activities you are going to focus on (schedule a family game of cards or talk to that uncle who you have not seen in a while). Focus on friends, family and conversation; not simply stuffing your face with food at the holiday buffet. Remember why you are at the gathering in the first place.
  8. Learn to take a deep breath and slow down. It is okay to say no to certain events if you are feeling drained and over-worked. Finding balance, especially during the holiday season is important. Recognize when you are doing too much and be okay with cutting back. You do not have to be superman (or woman). Make choices that are energy inducing as opposed to energy draining. Be smart about your time and how you invest it.
  9. Ditch the all or nothing diet mentality. I always say to focus on progress instead of perfection. So many people have “cheat” days then are excessively strict and deprive themselves. This causes them to overeat way too much when they “let themselves go.” I always hear “I am starting my diet tomorrow.” You should erase the term diet from your vocabulary.

Recipe Rehab Holiday Cooking Video Series: featured piece:

Everyday Health featured piece:

Just like any muscle, the more you practice consistent healthy habits the easier they will get. By implementing these tools you will be less stressed and have more energy to invest in activities you truly enjoy. Happy Holidays!

For more daily motivation, easy recipes and health secrets connect with me on Facebook, YouTube & Twitter

Turkey Time Tools in Fox News Magazine by Carina Sohaili


Thanksgiving is a time for friends, family and memories to be made – not a time for feeling guilty about food choices or depriving yourself of certain foods. Below are my Turkey Time Tools so you can be healthy AND enjoy yourself. My tips were also featured in Fox News Magazine a week ago; I have included the article link at the end of the piece.

Preparation before the meal:

  1. A huge mistake people make is eating very little until the big meal. This is a recipe for disaster. Make sure you have a solid breakfast and lunch filled with a good combination of protein and healthy carbohydrates. When you starve yourself during the day in preparation for a huge meal your body has a much harder time acknowledging when you are actually full. You also will get much more intense cravings for sugary and carbohydrate heavy sweets.
  2. Ditch the all or nothing diet mentality. So many people have “cheat” days then are excessively strict and deprive themselves. This causes them to overeat way too much when they “let themselves go.” I always hear “I am starting my diet tomorrow.” You should erase the term diet from your vocabulary. Indulge in a balanced way; if you are craving a serving of stuffing have a small portion but do not eat three servings. Do you notice how the first serving of an amazing food tastes the best? The food is not as good the second or third time around.
  3. Remember why you are at the Thanksgiving table in the first place…not to stuff your face with food! Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and be grateful for the people you are surrounded by. Focus on friends, family and conversation. The dinner is only one part of the equation.
  4. Whether it is a morning jog, a brisk family hike or a football game do something to get your sweat on. Make time for physical activity even if it is a twenty-minute fast walk around the block before dinner. Everything counts and something is better than nothing. Make it a friend and family event. Everything is better with a buddy.

What to eat:

Fill up on protein: Turkey. Go for the light meat instead of the dark meat and skip the skin. Light meat has less saturated fat (unhealthy fat) than the dark meat. Filling up on protein increases your feelings of satisfaction, stabilizes your blood sugar levels and will keep you more full for a longer amount of time. This will prevent you from having thirds, fourths and fifths of the bad stuff. If you are vegetarian make sure there is a healthy protein option at your dinner so you do not just overeat stuffing or marshmallow yams.

Get creative. So many people are closed-minded when it comes to healthy alternatives. Find some healthy swaps. Instead of marshmallows add Greek yogurt to the Yams. Spice up your dishes with cinnamon, garlic and nutmeg instead of extra butter and oils. Spices are incredible; they curb cravings, liven up any dish and increase post-meal satisfaction levels. Check out my healthy cooking videos on my youtube channel for creative suggestions.

Get your greens on. There is always a healthy basic side dish at Thanksgiving whether it is steamed green beans or roasted Brussels sprouts. Just made sure it is not soaked in butter or excessive oils. Do not be shy to ask how food is prepared. You should be proud you care about your health.

What about dessert? Easy breezy! The crust in the pumpkin pie is the killer. If you are unable to bring a healthy dessert like my warm pumpkin cranberry parfait then simply indulge in a balanced way. Guess what? If you did fill up on protein you will 100% not crave the same amount of dessert you do normally. Take time to visit, play card games or watch a movie with the family. Always have an activity besides just eating dessert. Have the inside of the pumpkin pie, skip the crust and whipped cream toppings. I am also a huge dark chocolate fan. Be the healthy relative and bring some dark chocolate to the meal. Post dinner have a square or two.

Have a plan for the day:  what you are going to indulge in, what you are going to pass on and how you are going to get your sweat on. Everyone is different so it is really important to understand what your weakness is and be aware of it. If it is eating too much stuffing to avoid talking to that relative who you have nothing in common with or having one two many helpings of marshmallow yams. Simply keep yourself in-check and focus on the bigger picture of why you are together in the first place. Happy Thanksgiving!

Fox News Magazine Thanksgiving Feature:

Healthy Holiday Cooking Videos:

Video: Recipe Rehab: Healthy Holiday Dessert: Warm Pumpkin Cranberry Parfait by Carina Sohaili

Recipe Rehab episode two features my “bliss in a cup” energizing Pumpkin Cranberry Parfait. This recipe can serve as a healthy holiday dessert, snack or breakfast bite (and a great alternative for those who love Pumpkin Pie). My energizing parfait takes only ten minutes to make. The ingredients will help curb unhealthy holiday cravings and truly make your skin glow (I explain how in the video). Not to mention, this episode I have a special guest to make the video more helpful. This is a great Thanksgiving dessert or healthy holiday party treat. Enjoy!

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